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Redefining ‘Good Hair’


remember when I was a child, my mom regularly commented on women’s hair. They either had “good hair” or “bad hair.” I wondered, what is “good hair?” Do I have “good hair?” If I don’t, then why not? These simple, yet controversial questions led me on a journey that continued into my career as an adult. I have now been a licensed cosmetologist for over forty years. Women love their hair! I have seen what a trip to the salon does to a woman’s confidence. I am sure you have experienced this boost. Early in my career, there was this arbitrary standard for beauty that condemned natural hair as “bad hair.” Generations of women felt compelled by society to force their natural hair to do what it was never meant to do. This required chemical-based treatments and solutions. Over time, the industry began to shift. Women were moving away from these chemical-based products and were embracing natural solutions. Old beauty standards were being replaced with a new movement that honored natural beauty. The narrative had been reshaped; what was once considered “bad hair” was now “good hair.” God said He made all things good –for the record, that includes our natural hair.

“Women love their hair! I have seen what a trip to the salon does to a woman’s confidence. I am sure you have experienced this boost.”

Look for brands that promote organic, cruelty-free products with no (or very few) harmful chemicals. Here are some that I have found: Taliah Waajid, Jane Carter, Cantu, Shea Moisture, As I Am, and 3 Sisters of Nature. Each product contains essential oils that are particularly beneficial for natural hair.

I can attest that natural hair maintenance requires re-education. As you move forward on your natural hair journey, I encourage you to share knowledge tips, warnings, challenges, and celebrations as you embrace and celebrate your good hair!

Nulla imperdiet, dui id vehicula eleifend, est enim pretium ligula, ut rhoncus dui augue semper elit. Duis bibendum eros sem, eget mattis tellus iaculis sed. Donec mauris nisl, accumsan sit amet maximus rutrum, semper ac diam. Praesent auctor lacinia mi, nec cursus eros efficitur at. Nulla in convallis quam. Ut congue vestibulum dolor consectetur scelerisque. Maecenas convallis, magna nec mattis placerat, odio tortor accumsan nisl, ut mollis leo metus nec mi. Nunc fermentum sodales gravida. Duis dictum libero et vestibulum pretium. Sed eu tempor risus, et eleifend purus. Vestibulum elementum et sapien varius lobortis. Fusce iaculis fermentum nisl ac.


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